Development of Evaluation Method of Interface Strength between Thin Films and It’s Application on Delamination of Cu/TaN in an Advanced LSI
Development of Interatomic Potential for Si/SiO2 System Based on Force Matching
Atom Migration Induced by Electric Current and Stress in a Polycrystalline LSI Conductor
Effect of Interface Boundary on Slip Behavior in High Cycle Fatigue
Analysis on Slip in two-phase (α/β) stainless bicrystal
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第67巻,656号,pp.732-739(2001-4)
Slip Behavior and Local Stress near Grain Boundary in High-Cycle Fatigue of Multi-Crystalline Copper
・Crack Initiation at Free Edge of Interface between Thin Films in Advanced LSI
Takayuki Kitamura, Tadahiro Shibutani and Takashi Ueno
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.69, pp.1289-1299(2002-8)
・Damage Process of Polycrystalline LSI Conductor due to Atom Migration Induced by Electric Current and Stress
Tadahiro Shibutani, Takayuki Kitamura, and Futoshi Kawamura
International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol.11, No.2, pp.113-128(2002)
Delamination Strength of Cu Thin Film Characterized by Nanoscale Stress Field near Interface Edge
Method for Instability Analysis of Atomic Structure and Its Application to Ideal Strength of Thin Film
Evaluation for Validity of Effective Medium Theory in Aluminum Based on Ab Initio Analysis
・Ab Initio Simulation on Ideal Shear Strength of Silicon
Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura
Materials Science and Engineering: B (Elsevier Science)
Vol.B88, pp.79-84(2002)
Analysis of Slip Behavior in Two-phase (α/β) Stainless Bicrystal with Longitudinal Interface in High Cycle Fatigue
Atomic Stress and Elastic Coefficient Caused by Grain Boundary Structure
Nucleation of Slip Bands near Twin Boundary in High-cycle Fatigue
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第68巻,671号,pp.1104-1111(2002-7)
Stress Intensity Factor of Interacting Parallel Surface Crack
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第68巻,671号,pp.1112-1119(2002-7)
・Optimization of Interatomic Potential for Si/SiO2 System Based on Force Matching
Yoshitaka Umeno, Takayuki Kitamura, Kazuyuki Date, Makoto Hayashi and Tomio Iwasaki
Computational Materials Science, Elsevier, Vol.25, pp.447-456 (2002)
Atomic Simulation on Deformation and Fracture of Small Component
Applicability of Fracture Mechanics on Brittle Delamination of Nano-scale Film Edge
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第69巻,677号,pp.187-194(2003-1)
Analysis on Instable Deformation Mode of Atomic Structure
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第69巻,681号,pp.945-951(2003-5)
3-Dimensional Local Stress Field in Copper Polycrystal and Persistent Slip Band under Fatigue
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第69巻,677号,pp.203-209(2003-1)
Interface Strength of Tungsten Micro-Component on Silicon Substrate by Means of AFM
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第69巻,684号,pp.1216-1221(2003-8)
Atomic Simulation on Deformation of Single-Wall Carbon Nano Tube Based on Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics
・Effect of Residual Stress on Delamination from Interface Edge between Nano-Films
Takayuki Kitamura, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Takashi Itsuji
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.70, pp.2089-2101 (2003)
Introduction Method of Pre-Crack along Interface between Film of Submicron thickness and Substrate
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第69巻,679号,pp.610-616(2003-3)
・Internal Atomic Stress near Σ5 Tilt Grain Boundary in Aluminum under Tension
Takayuki Kitamura, Yoshitaka Umeno and Nagatomo Tsuji
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.11, pp.839-849 (2003)
・Slip Behavior near Grain Boundary in High-Cycle Fatigue of Copper Poly-Crystal
Takayuki Kitamura, Takashi Sumigawa and Kazuyoshi Oishi
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol.27, pp.495-503 (2004)
・Validity of Effective Medium Theory for Aluminum under Tension
Takayuki Kitamura and Yoshitaka Umeno
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.11, pp.127-136 (2003)
・Stress Intensity Factors of Microstructually Small Crack
Masayuki Kamaya and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Fracture, Vol.124, pp.201-213 (2003)
・Theoretical Investigation of an Elliptical Crack in Thermopiezoelectric Material.
Part I Analytical Development
Fulin Shang, M.Kuna and Takayuki Kitamura
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol.40, pp.237-246 (2003)
・Theoretical Investigation of an Elliptical Crack in Thermopiezoelectric Material Part II: Crack Propagation
Fulin Shang, Takayuki Kitamura and M.Kuna
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol.40, pp.247-253 (2003)
・Analytical Evaluation of Unstable Deformation Criterion of Atomic Structure and Its Application to Nanostructure
Takayuki Kitamura, Yoshitaka Umeno and Nagatomo Tsuji
Computational Materials Science, Elsevier, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp.499-510 (2004)
・Evaluation of Interface Strength of Micro-Dot on Substrate by means of AFM
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Takayuki Kitamura and Yoshitake Yamamoto
International Journal of Solid and Structures, Vol. 41/11-12, pp.3243-3253(2004)
・Metalic-Semiconducting Transition of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under High Axial Strain
Yoshitaka Umeno, Takayuki Kitamura, Kazuyuki and Akihiro Kushima
Computational Materials Science, Vol.31, pp.33-41(2004)
・Nucleation of Slip Bands near Twin Boundary in High-cycle Fatigue
Takashi SUMIGAWA and Takayuki KITAMURA
JSME International Journal, Ser.A, Vol.47,No.2, pp.98-105(2004)
・Slip Behavior and Local Stress near Grain Boundary in High-Cycle Fatigue of Copper Polycrystal
Takayuki Kitamura, Takashi Sumigawa and Kazuyoshi Oishi
JSME International Journal, Ser.A, Vol.47, No.2, pp.92-97(2004)
・Applicability of Fracture Mechanics on Brittle Delamination of Nano-scale Film Edge
Takayuki Kitamura, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Yusuke Satake
JSME International Journal, Ser.A, Vo.47, No.2, pp.106-112(2004)
・Direct Measurement of Interface Strength between Copper Submicron-Dot and Silicon Dioxide Substrate
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Takayuki Kitamura and Yoshitake Yamamoto
JSME International Journal, Ser.A, Vol.47, No.3, pp.324-330(2004)
・Instability Criterion of Inhomogeneous Atomic System
Yoshitaka Umeno, Takayuki Kitamura, Ryoji Fushino
Material Science and Engineering: A (Elsevier Science), 379 (1-2), pp.229-233 (2004)
・Theoretical Analysis on Electronic Properties of Zigzag-type Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Radial Deformation
Yoshitaka Umeno, Takayuki Kitamura, Yoshiaki Kushima
COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE Vol.30, No.3-4, pp.283-287(2004)
・An Elliptical Crack in Thermo-Piezoelectric Solids under Uniform Temperature Gradient: Analytical Development
Fulin Shang, Takayuki Kitamura and M.Kuna
Key Engineering Materials, Vol.261-263, Advances in Fracture and Failure Prevention, pp.63-68 (2004)
・Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study on the Formation Process of Al Layers on Si (001) Surface
Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.12, pp.1147-1157(2004)
・A Simulation on Growth of Multiple Small Cracks under Stress Corrosion
Masayuki Kamaya and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Fracture, Vol.130, pp.787-801 (2004)
・On Stress Singularity at the Interface Edge between Piezoelectric Thin Film and Elastic Substrate
Fulin Shang and Takayuki Kitamura
Microsystem Technologies, 11, 1115-1120(2005)
・Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Delamination at free Edge of Interface between Piezoelectric Thin Films on a Sustrate
Fulin Shang, Takayuki Kitamura, Hiroyuki Hirakata, Isaku Kanno, Hidetoshi Kotera and K.Terada
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vo.42, pp.1729-1741(2005)
・Pre-cracking Technique for Fracture Mechanics Experiments along Interface between Thin Film and Substrate
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Takayuki Kitamura and Takato Kusano
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.72, pp.1892-1904 (2005)
Effect of Elongated Grain on High Temperature Fatigue Crack Propagation Property of Ni-Based Superalloy
・Criterion of Mechanical Instability in Inhomogeneous Atomic System
Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura
Materials Science Forum, Vol.482, pp.127-130(2005)
・Ideal Strength of Nano-components
Takayuki Kitamura, Yoshitaka Umeno and Akihiro Kushima
Materials Science Forum, Vol.482, pp.25-32(2005)
・Near-Surface Lattice Instability in 2D Fiber and Half-Space
Sergey V. Dmitriev, Takayuki Kitamura, Ju Li, Yoshitaka Umeno, Kisaragi Yashiro and Nobuhiro Yoshikawa
Acta Materialia, Vol.53, pp.1215-1224(2005)
・Breaking Atomic Bonds through Vibrational Mode Localization
Sergey V. Dmitriev, Ju. Li, Nobuhiro Yoshikawa, Yoshihisa Tanaka, Yutaka Kagawa, Takayuki Kitamura and Sidney Yip
Defects and Diffusion Forum, Vols.233-234, pp.49-60(2005)
・Influence of Microstructure on Small Crack Behavior
Masayuki Kamaya and Takayuki Kitamura
Key Engineering Materials, Vols.297-300, pp.1165-1171 (2005)
・Ab Initio Study of the Surface Properties and the Ideal Strength of (100) Silicon Thin Films
Yoshitaka Umeno, Akihiro Kushima, Takayuki Kitamura, Peter Gumbsch and Ju Li
Physical Review B, 72, 165431 (2005)
・Delamination Test and the Effect of Free Edge on Interface Strength of PZT Thin Films
Fulin Shang, Takayuki Kitamura and Hiroyuki Hirakata
Journal of Integrated Ferroelectrics, 73, pp.67-74 (2005)
Stress Intensity Factors of Microstructurally Small Crack in Polycrystalline Material
日本機械学会論文集, A編,第72巻,715号,pp.293-300(2006-3)
・Fatigue Crack Growth along Interface between Metal and Ceramics Submicron-thick Films in Inert Environment
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Masaya Kitazawa and Takayuki Kitamura
Acta Materialia, Vol.54, pp.89-97(2006)
・Effect of Grain Boundary/Interface Network on Cavity Growth Due to Atom Migration Induced by Stress and Electric Current in Polycrystalline LSI Conductor
Tadahiro Shibutani, Takayuki Kitamura and Masaki Shiratori
Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vol.249, pp.247-254 (2006)
Effect of Microstructural Inhomogeneity on Driving Force of High-Temperature Crack Propagation of Ni-Based Directionally Solidified Superalloy
Evaluation of Nonuniform Strain in Carbon Nanotube with Bent Junction
・Shell model に基づくPb(Zr,Ti)O3の原子間ポテンシャルの開発
Development of Interatomic Potential for Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Based on Shell Model
Localized Structures in Nonlinear Lattice Systems---Intrinsic Localized Mode and Its Application to Dynamics of Atoms in Materials
・Ideal Strength of Cu Multi-shell Nano-wire
Akihiro Kushima, Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura
Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vo.14, pp.1031-1039 (2006)
・Effect of Loading Frequency on Fatigue Crack Growth between a Submicron-Thick Film and a Substrate
Do Van Truong, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Takayuki Kitamura
JSME International Journal, Vol.49, No.3, pp.370-375 (2006)
・Dominant Stress Region of Crack Initiation at Interface Edge of Micro-dot on Substrate
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Shohei Matsumoto and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.73, pp.2698-2709(2006)
Evaluation of Local Stress Corrosion Crack Initiation by Three-Dimensional Polycrystal Model
・Ab Initio DFT Study of Starin Effects on Ferroelectricity at PbTiO3 Surfaces
Yoshitaka Umeno, Takahiro Shimada, Takayuki Kitamura and Christian Elsasser
Physical Review B, Vol.74, 174111(2006)
In Situ TEM Observation of Delamination at Interface Edge in Nano-Structure
平方寛之,高橋可昌,Do Van Truong,北村隆行
・Effect of Microstructure on Crack Propagation in High-Temperature Fatigue of Directionally Solidified Ni-Based Superalloy
Masato Yamamoto and Takayuki Kitamura
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol.29, pp.431-439 (2006)
・Evaluation of nonuniform Strain in Carbon Nanotube with Bend Junction
Takayuki Kitamura, Yoshitaka Umeno and Yusuke Kinoshita
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1313-1321(2007)
・Increase of Stress Intensity near Free-edge of Elastic-creeping Bi-Material Interface under a Sustained Load
Kittikorn Ngampungpis, Hiroyuki Hirakata, Takayuki Kitamura
Key Engineering Materials, Vols.340-341, pp.501-506 (2007)
・Ab Initio DFT Simulation of Ideal Shear Deformation of SiC Polytypes
Yoshitaka Umeno, Yusuke Kinosita and Takayuki Kitamura
Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.15, pp.27-37 (2007)
・Evaluation of Strain Concentration in Carbon Nanotube with Bend Junction
Yusuke Kinoshita, Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura
Key Engineering Materials, Vols.340-341, pp.101-106(2007)
・Atomic Analysis of Unstable Deformation in Amorphous Metal
Yoshitaka Umeno, Motoki Tagawa and Takayuki Kitamura
Materials Science Forum, Vols.539-543, pp.1994-1999 (2007)
・Stress Field near Interface Edge of Elastic-Creep Bi-material
Takayuki Kitamura, Kittikorn Ngampungpis and Hiroyuki Hirakata
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.73, pp.1673-1648(2007)
・Three-Dimensional Local Stress Analysis on Grain Boundaries in Polycrystalline
Masayuki Kamaya, Yoshihiro Kawamura and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Solid and Structure, Vol.44, pp.3267-3277(2007)
・Anisotropic Deformation of Thin Films Comprised of Helical Nanosprings
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Shohei Matsumoto, Masaki Takemura, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol44, pp.4030-4038(2007)
・Structural Transformation of Single Crystal Silicon under Uniaxial Stress
Seong-Min Jeong and Takayuki Kitamura
Key Engineering Materials, Vols.345-346, pp.963-966(2007)
・Effect of Material Thickness on the Singular Stress Field in Elastic-Creep Bi-material Interface
Kittikorn Ngampungpis, Takayuki Kitamura and Hiroyuki Hirakata
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, JSME, Vo.1, No.6, pp.744-754 (2007)
・First Principles Study on Ideal Strength of Cu Multi-shell Nano-wire
Takayuki Kitamura, Akihiro Kushima and Yoshitaka Umeno
Key Engineering Materials, Vol.345-346, pp.919-924(2007)
・Mechanical Instability in Non-uniform Atomic Structure: Application to Amorphous Metal
Yoshitaka Umeno, Takayuki Kitamura and Motoki Tagawa
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 462, pp.450-455 (2007)
・界面裂紋萌生与拡展的分子動力学模擬 (in Chinese)
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Interfacial Crack Nucleation and Propagation
力学学報(Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), Vol.39, No.4, pp.571-576 (2007)
・First-Principle Study on Elastic Anomalies in Ag/Al Multilayers
Yusuke Kinoshita, Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura
Key Engineering Materials, Vol.345-346, pp.939-962(2007)
・Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Crack Initiation at Bi-Material Interface Edges
Fulin Shang and Takayuki Kitamura
Key Engineering Materials, Vol.340-341, pp.949-954(2007)
・Interface Strength of Low-Dimensional Nano-Components
Takayuki Kitamura, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Yoshimasa Takahashi
Key Engineering Materials, Vol.353-358, pp.1-8(2007)
・Atomic Simulation of Crack Initiation at Bi-Material Interface Edges
Fulin Shang and Takayuki Kitamura
Key Engineering Materials, Vol.353-358, pp.969-972(2007)
・Atomistic Simulation on the Phase Transformation of Silicon under Non-Hydrostatic Stress
Seong-Min Jeong and Takayuki Kitamura
・Excitation of Intrinsic Localized Mode in a Graphene Sheet
Yu Yamayose, Yusuke Kinoshita, Yusuke Doi, Akihiro Nakatani and Takayuki Kitamura
Europhysics Letters, 89, 40008 (2007)
・Role of Plasticity on Interface Crack Initiation from a Free Edge and Propagation in a Nano-Component
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Do Van Truong and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Fracture, 145, pp.261-271 (2007)
・Initiation of Interface Crack at Free Edge between Thin Films with Weak Stress Singularity
Takayuki Kitamura, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Do Van Truong
Thin Solid Films, 515, pp.3005-3010 (2007)
・Evaluation of Nonuniform Strain in Carbon Nanotube with Bent Junction
Takayuki Kitamura, Yoshitaka Umeno and Yusuke Kinoshita
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.1, No.11, pp.1313-1321(2007)
・Development of Interatomic Potential for Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Based on Shell Model
Takayuki Kitamura, Yoshitaka Umeno, Fulin Shang, Takahiro Shimada and Kazuhito Wakahara
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.1, No.12, pp.1423-1431 (2007)
・Fluctuation of J-integral Due to Grain Arrangement of Ni-based Directionally Solidified Superalloy
Masato Yamamoto, Takashi Ogata and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.29, pp.1697-1701 (2007)
・Interface Strength of Low-Dimensional Nano-Components
Takayuki Kitamura, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Yoshimasa Takahashi
Key Engineering Materials, Vols.353-358, pp.1-8 (2007)
・Prediction of Delamination Strength at Interface between Thin Film and Substrate by Cohesive Zone Model
Do Van Truong, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Takayuki Kitamura
Vietnam Journal of Mechanics. Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 252-262(2007)
・Experimental Evaluation of Plastic Property of a Low-dimensional Cu Nano-Component
Yoshimasa Takahashi, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Takayuki Kitamura
Materials Science Forum, Vol.567-568, pp.297-300(2008)
・Selective Excitations of Intrinsic Localized Modes of Atomic Scales in Cabon Nanotubes
Yusuke Kinoshita, Yu Yamayose, Yusuke Doi, Akihiro Nakatani and Takayuki Kitamura
Physical Review B, 77, 024307 (2008)
・Influence of microscopically distributed inhomogeneity and anisotropy of grains on high-temperature crack propagation properties of directionally solidified superalloy
Masato Yamamoto, Takayuki Kitamura and Takashi Ogata
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, pp.779-789 (2008)
・Increase of Stress Intensity near Interface Edge of Elastic-Creep Bi-material under a Sustained Load
Kittikorn Ngampungpis, Takayuki Kitamura and Hiroyuki Hirakata
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, pp.1285-1293 (2008)
・Quantitative Evaluation of Plasticity of a Ductile Nano-Component
Yoshimasa Takahashi, Hiroyuki Hirakata and Takayuki Kitamura
Thin Solid Films, 516, 1925-1930 (2008)
・Ab Initio Study on Ideal Shear Strength of Polytypes of Silicon Carbide
Yoshitaka Umeno, Yusuke Kinoshita and Takayuki Kitamura
Strength of Materials, Vol.40, No.1, pp.2-6 (2008)
・Effect of Load Direction on Crack Propagation in High-Temperature Fatigue of Directionally Solidified Supealloy
Masato Yamamoto, Takayuki Kitamura and Takashi Ogata
Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 33-37, pp.205-216 (2008)
・Ab Initio Study on Stress-Induced Domain Switching in PbTiO3
Takahiro Shimada, Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura
Physical Review B, 77, 094105 (2008)
・Disappearance of Stress Singularity at Interface Edge due to Nanostructured Thin Film
Takashi Sumigawa, Hiroyuki Hirakata, Masaki Takemura, Shohei Matsumoto, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, pp.3073-3083 (2008)
力学?展(Advances in Mechanics), Vol.38, No.4, pp.437-452 (2008)
・Creep Crack Initiation at a Free Edge of an Interface between Submicron Thick Elements
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Toshihiro Hirako, Yoshimasa Takahashi, Yasunori Matsuoka and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, pp.2907-2920 (2008)
・Shell Model Potential for PbTiO3 and Its Applicability to Surfaces and Domain Walls
Takahiro Shimada, Kazuto Wakahara, Yoshitaka Umeno and Takayuki Kitamura
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol.20, 325225 (2008)
Retardation of Small Crack Propagation by Laser Peening
日本機械学会論文集A, 第74巻, 第744号, pp.1045-1052(2008-8)
日本機械学会論文集A, 第74巻,第746号, pp.1328−1335(2008-10)
・Development of Efficient Instability Analysis Method for Atomic Structures Using Linear Elements and Its Application to Amorphous Metals
Takahiro Shimada, Satoru Okawa, Shinichiro Minami and Takayuki Kitamura
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.3, No.5, pp.807-818(2009)
・Ab initio Study of Ferroelectricity in Edged PbTiO3 Nanowires under Axial Tension
Takahiro Shimada, Shogo Tomoda and Takayuki Kitamura
Physical Review B, Vol. 79, Article number 024102 (2009)
・Temperature Estimation and Al-Content Prediction Focusing on Microstructural Change of a Bond Coat in Thermal Barrier Coating
Mitsutoshi Okada, Tohru Hisamatsu and Takayuki Kitamura
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, Vol.18, pp.90-95(2009)
Influence of Deposition Processes on the Temperature Estimation Based on Microstructural Changes of Coatings for a Gas Turbine
・Simplified Evaluation of Mechanical Instability in Large-Scale Atomic Structures
Takahiro Shimada, Satoru Okawa, Shinichiro Minami and Takayuki Kitamura
Materials Science and Engineering A, Vols.513-514, pp.166-171(2009)
・Effect of Interface Layer Comprised of Nano-Springs on Stress Field near Interface Edge
Takashi Sumigawa, Taisuke Sueta, Yuya Futamura, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.76, pp.1336-1344(2009)
Instability Mode Analysis of Dislocation Nucleation from Notch Based on Atomistic Model ----Instability Activation Mechanism under Finite Temperature----
日本機械学会論文集A, 第75巻、第757号, pp.1247-1254 (2009)
・Angular Distribution of Slip Steps by Three-Dimensional Polycrystalline Model for Stainless Steel
Masayuki Kamaya, Koji Fukuya and Takayuki Kitamura
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.46, Issue 9, pp.901-906 (2009)
・Effect of Inhomogeneity in Aligned Grains on Creep-Fatigue Crack Opening and Propagation Behavior of Directionally Solidified Superalloy
Masato Yamamoto, Takayuki Kitamura and Takashi Ogata
Journal of ASTM International, 1508 (1), pp.459-473 (2009)
・Phase Transformation of Silicon under Nonhydrostatic Stress State; Formation of Si-II Phase under a Round Indenter
Seong-Min Jeong and Takayuki Kitamura
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1, Vol.48, Issue 3, Article Number 030202 (2009)
Strength Evaluation of Spot Weld in Fatigue Using Double-Cup Specimen
日本機会学会論文集A, 第75巻,第753号, pp.644−651(2009)
・Reinvestigation of the effect of plasticity on delamination process of Si/Cu interface in a ductile nano-cantilever
Pengfei Zhao Fulin Shang Yabin Yan and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Fracture, Vol.161, pp.65-78 (2010)
・Stone-Wales Transformation Triggered by Intrinsic Localized Mode in a Carbon Nanotube
Takahiro Shimada, Daisuke Shirasaki, and Takayuki Kitamura
Physical Review B, Vol.81, 035401 (2010)
・Crack Initiation Strength of an Interface between a Submicron-Thick Film and a Substrate
Do Van Truong, Takayuki Kitamura, Vuong Van Thanh
Materials and Design, Vol.31, pp.1450-1456 (2010)
・Influence of Nonlinear Atomic Interaction on Excitation of Intrinsic Localized Modes in Carbon Nanotubes
Takahiro Shimada, Daisuke Shirasaki, Yusuke Kinoshita, Yusuke Doi, Akihiro Nakatani and Takayuki Kitamura
Physica D, Vol.239, pp.407-413 (2010)
・Ab Initio Study of Magnetism at Iron Surface under Epitaxial In-plane Strain
Takahiro Shimada, Yoshiyuki Ishii and Takayuki Kitamura
Physical Review B, Vol.81, 134420 (2010)
・Ab Initio Study of Ferroelectric Closure Domains in Ultrathin PbTiO3 Films
Takahiro Shimada, Shogo Tomoda and Takayuki Kitamura
Physical Review B, Vol.81, 144116 (2010)
力学?展(Advances in Mechanics), 第40巻, 第3期 (Vol.40, No.3), pp.263-283 (2010)
・Cohesive Zone Model Applied to Creep Crack Initiation at an Interface Edge between Submicron Thick Films
Do Van Truong and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Damage Mechanics, Vol.19, No.3, pp.301-319 (2010)
・Evaluation of Local Fatigue Strength in Spot Weld by Small Specimen
Eisuke Nakayama, Manabu Fukumoto, Mitsuo Miyahara, Hiroki Fujimoto, Kiyoyuki Fukui and Takayuki Kitamura
Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.33, No.5, pp.267-275 (2010)
・Interface Crack initiation due to Nanoscale Stress Concentration
Takashi Sumigawa, Tetsuya Shishido, Tadashi Murakami, and Takayuki Kitamura
Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.527, pp.4796-4803 (2010)
・Simplified Analysis of Mechanical Instability in Three-Dimensional Atomic Components and Its Application to Nanoscale Crack
Takahiro Shimada, Satoru Okawa and Takayuki Kitamura
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.4, No.7, pp.1071-1082 (2010)
・Evaluation on Plastic Deformation Property of Copper Nano-film by Nano-Scale Cantilever Specimen
Takashi Sumigawa, Tetsuya Shishido, Tadashi Murakami, Tomio Iwasaki and Takayuki Kitamura
Thin Solid Films, Vol.518, pp.6040-6047 (2010)
・First-Principles Study of Ferroelectricity At PbTiO3 Surface Steps
Takahiro Shimada, Shogo Tomoda and Takayuki Kitamura
Journal of Physics, Condensed Matter, Vol.22, Issue 35, Article number 355901 (2010)
・Dislocation Nucleation in a Thin Cu Film from Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Instability Activation by Thermal Fluctuations
Yoshitaka Umeno, Takahiro Shimada, and Takayuki Kitamura
Physical Review B, Vol.82, 104108 (2010)
・Cu/Si Interface Fracture Due to Fatigue of Cooper Film in Nanometer Scale
Takashi Sumigawa, Tadashi Murakami, Tetsuya Shishido and Takayuki Kitamura
Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol.527, pp.6518-6523 (2010)
・Crack Initiation Strength of an Interface between a Submicron-Thick Film and a Substrate
Do Van Truong, Takayuki Kitamura, and Vuong Van Thanh, Materials and Design Vol.31, pp.1450-1456 (2010)
日本機械学会論文集A, 第76巻,第772号, pp.1713−1720(2010)
日本機械学会論文集A, 第76巻,第772号, pp.1721−1728(2010)
・First-Principles Study of the Interplay between Grain Boundaries and Domain Walls in Ferroelectric PbTiO3
Pavel Marton, Takahiro Shimada, Takayuki Kitamura and Christian Elsasser
Physical Review B, Vol.83, 064110 (2011)
・Three-dimensional Cohesive Zone Modeling of Interface Crack Initiation from Nanoscale Stress Concentration
Yan Yabin, Takashi Sumigawa, Fuling Shang and Takayuki Kitamura
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering, Vol.5, No.2, pp.117-127 (2011)
日本機械学会論文集 A, 第77巻, 第775号, pp.495-504(2011)
・Coexistence of Rectilinear and Vortex Polarizations at Twist Boundaries in Ferroelectric PbTiO3 from First-Principles
Takahiro Shimada, Xiaoyuan Wang, Shogo Tomoda, Pavel Martin, Chrsitian Elsasser and Takayuki Kitamura
Physical Review B, Vol.83, 094121(2011)
・Fatigue strength of Cu/Si Interface in nano-component
Takashi Sumigawa, Tadashi Murakami and Takayuki Kitamura
Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol.528, pp.5158-5163(2011)
Development of Multi-physics Instability Criterion for Atomic Structures and Application to Domain Switching in Ferroelectrics under External Electric Field
・Stress Singularity Transition of Generic Wedges Due To Nanoelement Layer
Taisuke Sueda, Insu Jeon, Takashi Sumigawa and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.78, pp.2789-2799(2011)
・Cohesive Zone Criterion for Cracking along the Cu/Si Interface in Nanoscale Components
Yan Yabin, Takashi Sumigawa, Fuling Shang and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
・Multi-Physics Analysis of Nano-Structured Ferroelectrics by First-Principle Simulations
Takahiro Shimada, Xiaoyuan Wang and Takayuki Kitamura
Acta Mechanica