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Graduate School of Engineering/Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science /
Materials Science Laboratory


Mechanical behavior of aggregated nanometer scale elements

Stress Singularity Transition of Generic Wedges Due To Nanoelement Layer
Taisuke Sueda, Insu Jeon, Takashi Sumigawa and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.78, pp.2789-2799(2011)

Effect of Interface Layer Comprised of Nano-Springs on Stress Field near Interface Edge
Takashi Sumigawa, Taisuke Sueta, Yuya Futamura, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.76, pp.1336-1344(2009)

Disappearance of Stress Singularity at Interface Edge due to Nanostructured Thin Film
Takashi Sumigawa, Hiroyuki Hirakata, Masaki Takemura, Shohei Matsumoto, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, pp.3073-3083 (2008)

Anisotropic Deformation of Thin Films Comprised of Helical Nanosprings
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Shohei Matsumoto, Masaki Takemura, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol44, pp.4030-4038(2007)