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Graduate School of Engineering/Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science /
Materials Science Laboratory



Stress Singularity Transition of Generic Wedges Due To Nanoelement Layer
Taisuke Sueda, Insu Jeon, Takashi Sumigawa and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.78, pp.2789-2799(2011)

Effect of Interface Layer Comprised of Nano-Springs on Stress Field near Interface Edge
Takashi Sumigawa, Taisuke Sueta, Yuya Futamura, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.76, pp.1336-1344(2009)

Disappearance of Stress Singularity at Interface Edge due to Nanostructured Thin Film
Takashi Sumigawa, Hiroyuki Hirakata, Masaki Takemura, Shohei Matsumoto, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.75, pp.3073-3083 (2008)

Anisotropic Deformation of Thin Films Comprised of Helical Nanosprings
Hiroyuki Hirakata, Shohei Matsumoto, Masaki Takemura, Motofumi Suzuki and Takayuki Kitamura
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol44, pp.4030-4038(2007)